I saw several ads for the Obama Book in the Sacramento Bee. (I scanned one of the Bee's ads and posted it here.)
I'm guessing the Obama Book thrills about half of the people who subscribe to McClatchy newspapers and really annoys the other half. (Do libs realize 53 million people voted for McCain?)
At any rate, I came across a cartoon that was inspired by McClatchy's Obama Book. I got a laugh out of the cartoon and thought a lot of my readers would like it.

The above cartoon was published in The Landmark about the time the Kansas City Star was bombarding their subscribers with ads for the Obama Book. (And if you want to take a look at the web page for the McClatchy Obama Book - go here and here.)
There's a lot of inspiration going on in Obamaland. I see that they have now published Obama's Little Blue Book too. Even selling it as required to be carried. Wonder where they got that idea?
I don't understand this website. I understand why the newspaper is having trouble and I don't think it is just because conservatives are angry. Why all the Obama vitriol...why stay nasty all the time. You really think that the country was better with Bush? How are we ever going to get through these difficult times if vitriol is all anyone on the right can think about. The reasons McClatchy is going under are so much bigger than small minds. It makes me very sad
I don't understand this website.
I don't understand why you repeatedly have to be told that you don't set the agenda here. I also don't understand why you think you can change it. I'm really wondering why you can't read the very top of the page where it tells you what this blog is all about.
See, we're all wondering about something. Now I am wondering if you're going to start spamming the blog again.
How are we ever going to get through these difficult times if vitriol is all anyone on the right can think about.
Liberal bias is a major reason why newspapers in the McClatchy chain are suffering.
"How are we ever going to get through these difficult times if vitriol is all anyone on the right can think about."
Ask Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Barrack Obama, Freddie, Fannie and ACORN.
In the meantime, you get the exact same treatment that you dished out for the previous 8 years, while people were pleading with you to work together.
Here's an idea: It's a free country. Don't buy the book if you think you won't like its content. Don't buy McClatchy newspapers if you can't stand being exposed to a worldview different from your own.
What's wrong with this blog is the tone. You are rude to your readers and commenters. Most of us have nothing to do with McClatchy's political or Iraq coverage, you know? I work on lifestyles coverage. This relentless tone of glee at the company's (and its employees') troubles is off-putting.
And by the way, I'm not trying to "set the agenda" for your website just because I criticize an aspect of it. And I don't think 10:08 was doing that either. The biggest problem with this website is that you don't seem to respect, in a civilized way, other points of view. And the debate, as this thread shows, is not intelligent enough because of that. Most of us will drop this blog with relief and never look at it again as soon as our personal McClatchy dramas are resolved.
Don't buy McClatchy newspapers if you can't stand being exposed to a worldview different from your own.
That's what people are doing. However, buyers not dropping McClatchy because they're being exposed to a view different from their own.
They're being exposed to a constant political agenda that delivers not the news or the truth, but propaganda.
That's a ridiculous exaggeration. You'll miss the reporting when all these papers go under (I mean all the companies, not just McClatchy). There may be bias in many areas, but there's also a lot of very solid, basic reporting that newspapers still do very well. Will you ever stop insulting us with these blanket smears?
You'll never convert anyone when you exaggerate like that. So EVERY reporter is a mere propagandist? EVERY story is propaganda dressed up as news? It's absurd.
And where is data showing that advertisers and readers are looking elsewhere because of political bias? Where is the data? Obviously there are deeper forces at work, economic/technological forces, and no amount of shrillness and name-calling on the part of this blog (I'm sick of being branded a Marxist because I happen to work for this company) is going to change that.
When news people are all out waiting tables or teaching school, and we have to depend on outlets like this for our information, that's when propaganda, emotionalism, meanness and ignorance will have taken over.
I'm starting to loathe myself for even engaging in this. Goodbye for good.
I'm starting to loathe myself for even engaging in this. Goodbye for good.
Oh thank you....again.
That's a ridiculous exaggeration. You'll miss the reporting when all these papers go under (I mean all the companies, not just McClatchy).
No, actually they won't miss them at all. They will certainly miss the papers as they were years ago when editorials were confined to the editorial page. Before Sportswriters were doing political commentary and having it placed on the front page. Before lifestyle writers were doing slander pieces about women that didn't toe the party line.
The current form, the agenda driven content and the total sacrifice of credibility has left you in the position that very few will miss you at all. In fact, many will cheer the demise. It doesn't take a study financed by a leftist think tank or a paid PR hack like Ipsos to provide the predetermined data to know this.
Will you ever stop insulting us with these blanket smears?
It's not smears, but actual obervation. From Iraq, to the economy, to politics, McClatchy offers a terribly one-sided version of events that Goebells would marvel at.
If you alienate 50% (or 46%) of the population, they will not purchase your product. It's Economics 101.
Don't stoop to the level of the "christian" right... they are just doing what God told them to.
Those of us still a slave to the papers for our source of income don't really have other options than to wait for the axe man and take our unemployment. Before one of you completely ignorant mouth-breathers attacks this comment, realize that unemployment is an insurance policy that everyone who works an honest day is entitled to. It's taken out pre-tax and it is earned. It is not a "leftist handout".
Most of us realize that no company would be in trouble were it not for the incessant greed of those who still cling to right-wing ideals. We wouldn't be discussing layoffs if the ruling elite - the group these conservatives claim to be a part of - weren't so hell-bent on enlarging the gap between themselves and the working class.
Sad thing is... none of them would have a pot to piss in without us, but they don't seem to think about that when they are faced with having to give a little back so that those of us who have spent our lifetimes making them rich don't die in the streets now that their greed has run the entire country straight into the ground.
Let them bash Obama. When his plan works, they'll eat their miserable words. They just don't understand the word "plan" after 8 years of functioning without one as if magic were somehow going to fix the mess.
They just don't understand the word "plan" after 8 years of functioning without one as if magic were somehow going to fix the mess.
You mean like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, two far left Democrats who were creators of this economic disaster?
And according to McClatchy, Barack "The Magic Negro" had magical powers to do away with your worries and troubles.
As for your derogatory comment about the Christian Right, it's ilk like you that drove McClatchy and other newspapers to the ground.
BTW, you shouldn't be worried about your job. Obamababoon is president and he will save your job via his wonderful magic of Hope and Change. LOL.
11:47 What the hell did you do? Copy and paste that from another thread on the KOS board?
Keep helping them! The prosecution rests.
No, but I am flattered by the KOS comment... wonder if he's hiring? No one quite got under your skin in the last 8 years like he did...
Keep driving industries into the crapper boys. Clearly it can't be your fault. You're obviously entitled to your bloated pay checks, stock options, business trips to tropical islands on company jets...
Nothing at all wrong with those practices. Couldn't be any blame to accept in YOUR direction. Remember that when you point your finger at Obama for all your woes, you have 4 pointing right back at yourselves.
Remember that when you point your finger at Obama for all your woes, you have 4 pointing right back at yourselves.
Sorry, this is now the Obama Depression.
As for KOS, he wasn't around 8 years ago. His liberal tripe is on par with McClatchy.
Sorry, this is now the Obama Depression.
Right because he created the entire deficit in a month and a half. Wow. Ignorance really is bliss isn't it?
Typical Marxists double speak.
We may be bias, but buy our paper anyway...please.
And we won the election, so you have to do what we say.
And you hurt our feelings, and we can't stop what other tin foil hat people say.
Um no useful idiot, take you paper and your job loss like a man. Or for once, try to be one.
OK, there, there. Stop crying now. Papa Marx gonna make it all better.
Most of us realize that no company would be in trouble were it not for the incessant greed of those who still cling to right-wing ideals. We wouldn't be discussing layoffs if the ruling elite - the group these conservatives claim to be a part of - weren't so hell-bent on enlarging the gap between themselves and the working class.
Sigh. Did this envy thing originate in your high school locker room or did you develop it in J. School?
There are more millionaire democrats in the Senate than republican millionaires. That hard core conservative journalists Katie Couric makes $15,000,000 a year. How much do all the Hollywood liberals make per movie?
Got class envy? Have trouble dealing with the fact that there are a lot of people who work harder and are smarter than you? Sounds like a typical Obama voter.
It is no wonder newspapers as a business are failing when so many of their employees hate business, hate capitalism, and think profit is a dirty word.
Ignorance really is bliss isn't it?
For the 69 million Americans that voted for Obamababoon, ignorance truly is bliss.
Obama was elected to fix the economy, not act like a Marxist thug.
What you couldn't muster an intelligent retort to that one? You must be the same guy who posted this marvel of literary enlightenment...
BTW, you shouldn't be worried about your job. Obamababoon is president and he will save your job via his wonderful magic of Hope and Change. LOL.
Are you still unaware that racism has been scientifically linked to those suffering from a lacking intellect?
I'm ready for the axe and I would never buy one of these papers. Once again your broad spectrum assumptions have gotten the best of you. Although, that's not all that surprising.
Are you still unaware that racism has been scientifically linked to those suffering from a lacking intellect?
Are you talking about Obama's relationship with that racist Rev. Wright?
Yes, I agree, Obamababoon is racist and lacks intellect.
It's called sociology ladies... there's an entire science to the study of class structure and social conditions. It's also a very enlightening subject. Looks like many of you could benefit from studying it.
Although, I'm guessing that if you had studied anything rather than relying on daddy's money to buy your way through whatever sad excuse of a school you attended, you probably wouldn't be spending your entire day bashing liberals on a newspaper bashing site.
There, I fixed it for you. I was a McClatchy copy editor so you may kiss my ass.
Although, I'm guessing that if you had studied anything rather than relying on daddy's money to buy your way through whatever sad excuse of a school you attended, you probably wouldn't be a liberal.
Although, I'm guessing that if you had studied anything rather than relying on daddy's money to buy your way through whatever sad excuse of a school you attended, you probably wouldn't be spending your entire day bashing liberals on a newspaper bashing site.
What? Most of which you described above are Obama voters who voted for the Islamist because he's "cool" or Hope and Change nonsense.
11:11 And by the way, I'm not trying to "set the agenda" for your website just because I criticize an aspect of it. And I don't think 10:08 was doing that either. The biggest problem with this website is that you don't seem to respect, in a civilized way, other points of view.
Thank you 11:11, I am 10:08. I am an artist in town concerned that the major newspapaer is going under and seeking to understand why. I think this site is of value, but I am shocked at the immediate insults and no tolerance. I am not looking at this problem with the country's demise of newspapers with any glee. Those of us who seek publicity to support our small arts venues locally and long dependence on reviews from the Bee to help spread the word about our work are concerned for our collective future along wiht everyone else. WOW...I posted for the first time and got lynched...that is what I call INTOLERANCE...period.
I care about Lokeman. I care about her drinking, her mugshots, her hatred of Sarah Palin's little children.
I care so much about that drunk.
... but I am shocked at the immediate insults and no tolerance.
Use of the word tolerance is useless. The very people who claim it as their mantra have bastardized the term. It has no meaning or value but serves as a warning that someone is about to pump your ass full of smoke.
Thank your tolerant friends in the print media. They abused the term beyond recognition, then applied it selectively to fit their agenda.
How quickly the republicans become terse when their public acceptance is lower than McClatchy stock...
How quickly the republicans become terse when their public acceptance is lower than McClatchy stock...
Are you sure you're not talking about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? LOL.
Check out the "amusing" overly Negroid features have been implemented in the cartoonist's caricature of Obama. I'm sure that this crap will go over well in the areas where the KKK is popular.
If he made them skinny you'd snivel about that. You just don't know what a magical negro looks like.
A drooling liberal White House reporter made the statement how different it was to attend an Obama press conference. They must really think everyone is as dumb as they are. Anyone that witnessed the hostility that faced President Bush day after day, and he never did one thing right in eight years! Get real.
I am so glad to see these little freaks come to an end. These creeps had no thought of what was good for the USA, only their hatred. So now a man that never even ran a lemonade stand is going to run this country into the ground. You are only witnessing the first round of the Socialism ahead of us.
Please remember the Democrats took over in 2006, and that plus their housing fiasco is what is bringing us all down. Don’t you guys read the newspapers?
A drooling liberal White House reporter made the statement how different it was to attend an Obama press conference.
The last I heard they were throwing temper tantrums because who could ask a question was predetermined and they were told what questions they could ask. Yeah, it is different alright. Air America and the wicked witch of the press get a front seat.
Anon 11:29 is SUCH an idiot.
She's making the conservative argument, that we make every day against MNI, but against us.
Honey, reverse it, and hear it like a conservative making it to MNI about their lib paper.
Oh, she's never going to get it.
I'm getting so flustered. I'm leaving the board for good. And I mean it this time. I DO!!!
Honey, but please do continue to loathe yourself.
McClatchy is a joke....i have been banned from commenting at The State (Columbia, SC) for posting a picture of the 4/15 TEA party that was in direct dispute with reporter Wayne Washingtons story that stated there were "maybe 300" people there. My picture showed a crowd of over 3500 peaceful, law-abiding non-racist TEA partiers. I could go on and on with McClatchy stories...............
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