"We are not dying" quote from Mr. Fannin. You could have fooled me. My wife and I have decided to let our subscription lapse when it ends early this summer. It is just ridiculous to have a paper get to this level. It's now the paper you would expect to see in Joplin or Rolla. Not a big city like KC.
I would imagine there will be a large number of other folks who will just not renew when the time comes. It has become clear that when local ownership gave up the Star, it was the beginning of the end. The Corporations that have had it since have just bleed it dry and will leave it with the green glass shell." --Gary Foster, Mission Ks
"We are not dying" but we do have a long term illness that has put us into a coma and we are on life support. We want to be kept on a respirator until we are brain dead or later if possible." ----Jeff in Gladstone
"If Fannin is serious about the Star's commitment to local reporting, how does he explain the firing and downsizing of reporters who covered exclusively local beats (city hall, arts, business) while editorial writers, vice-presidents and "lifestyle" writers remain in their jobs, and full time at that?
"And what about the top-heavy diamond shape to today's Star? Few managers and editors have been laid off, even though the writers they supervised are long gone. -anon
To see Fanin's full commentary, click here.
In that photograph Mr. Fannin seems to be peering out of a bunker. Reminds me of the German pillboxes in The Longest Day.
Just another phony quasi-elitist whistling past the graveyard
10:31 -- he's less likely to get hit if he keeps his head down.
Goofball editor Anders Gyllenhaal at the Miami Herald says his newspaper isn't dying, either.
I tried calling the Star for 15 minutes today to complain and only got a busy signal. If they local is so important then why was a City Hall reporter who broke a lot of local news let go, why was the bureaus decimated including long-time stalwarts of the community like Mike Rice and Bill Graham let go, why was a veteran statehouse reporter let go, why were popular white feature columnists let go but unpopular and ill respected miniority columnists kept, why were reporters who write only a handful of stories a year at best kept, why were respected business writers like Rick Alm who knew the convention and casino business like no one else let go, why were some of the best copy editors let go, why does the Star have a military affairs reporter who seldom covers the military, why is one reporter covering state, federal and local courts, why is the projects desk untouchable etc.
Nick says in his Rhonda update,
“I also understand that The Star printed a “…tis but a scratch, I’ve had worse, it’s just a flesh wound!” statement today.” )
I haven’t located the mention yet??
The Red Star like the other ‘in-the-tank’ newspapers, is trolling for its ‘Obama Bucks.’
actual Star link here...
the newspaper business is as sound as the readers love the new re-design of the Star-Tele.
"Bring out your dead"
"I'm not dead! I'm feeling much better"
You've got to be kidding, right? I guess The Star wants to blindside Kansas Citians when McClatchy goes under and shuts down the print product. What a shame to waste this space on covering up how the print news business is circling the drain. Fanin should've taken the time and courtesy to explain to readers what is really happening and that, in all likelihood, The Star will end up an entirely digital product. All I can do is watch and shake my head.
The Red Star feels no obligation to report the truth. That has been obvious for a long time. If their reward for Obama tankism is obliteration, they asked for it. Their pissing and moaning is getting on my nerves. Get out of KC already!
Joke at Kansas City.com
"If Obama were to nominate every Democrat in America for a political job, we could retire the national debt after they all paid their back taxes."
Maybe that isn't a joke?
There is nothing left in KC for the ZeeMen. I think they are house hunting already. I am guessing San Fransissy will be their new haunt. Rho can simply wing-it home if her tires go splat.
The Rhonda Chriss Lokeman DUI video, part II
By Peter Rugg in Follow That Story, Media
Monday, Apr. 6 2009 @ 5:09PM\
As promised, here's the next Rhonda Chriss Lokeman tapes. Turns out the footage, originally roughly 90 minutes, was too big to upload without editing so we're presenting several vignettes today and tomorrow of Lokeman's booking. The Pitch Action News Team has a lot to learn when it comes to AV stuff.
More @
In that photograph Mr. Fannin seems to be peering out of a bunker. Reminds me of the German pillboxes in The Longest Day.
That's funny. My impression was similar however it was of a Frenchman looking on as the Germans did the end around the Maginal Line. You can almost read his mind...."But we have a plan!"
I know quite a few people at the Star that are either going back to school or talking about doing so. Even though people keep talking about how the Star will be around for "a long time" they don't feel they will still be there for it.
You can almost see the buzzards circling above. Management knows it, but until its their jobs threatened they'll keep telling everyone their empty peptalks while slowly killing off their departments.
Aug. 21, 2008 (Re: KC STAR layoffs?)
"I am mostly a lurker here, but I just heard some disturbing news form a close associate who knows someone EXTREMELY reputable with significant connections to a lot of important people at McClatchy.
First, another round of massive layoffs at the KC Star are planned for this week and may be announced as soon as tommorrow.
Second, McClatchy is planning to fold the Star completely within 2 years, leaving KC as the only city of its size without a major newspaper.
Apparently advertising revenue is the issue."
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