Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Late deliveries at The Sun News

Looks like outsourcing printing operations of The Sun News is off to a rocky start:
It was great to see that The Sun News had a cluster *^%$ on its' first Sunday of outsourcing.There were Pre-run bundles everywhere, circulation director smoking like a chimney pacing the back dock. nobody could figure out how to get the papers out to the customers. It took Charleston 16hrs to put together a pre-pack that normally took 5. The front pages didn't get up there until 5am, usually done by 2:30. and they were 3000 papers short. So 3000 paid home delivery subscribers didn't get papers. Of course one route that didn't get papers was the one the publisher lives on. I heard a bunch of her neighbors that know who she is knocked on her door to complain, instead of calling Pakistan. All week long the papers got out on average 2.5hrs later than when they were done in-house.


kmarko said...

Coming soon to a McClatchy paper near you, the Idaho Statesman's new non-delivery service -- an email coupon. If your paper isn't delivered, don't bother calling the Statesman since they won't send out a replacement copy. The best you can hope for is an email coupon you can take to the nearest gas station to pick up a 'free' (i.e. replacement) copy.

Between this and the incredible shrinking content (Monday's edition had about 16 actual news pages...of course these were sprinkled with ads and navigation sidebars, etc.), I wonder how much more the Statesman can do to antagonize their customers.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kmarko,
Is that info true on what you said regarding Idaho Statesman? That really seems like the are giving the finger to their core readers. I can't imagine how my dad would react if they told him that over in Boise.

True or speculation?