Above is Michael Reagan, step son of Ronald Reagan. He told the crowd about getting $1 a week for allowance as a boy, and asking his father for an increase in allowance -- he got a 30-minute explanation from Ronald Reagan about what happens to a family when the government takes too much from families. I'm sure he has told that story hundreds of times but the crowd loved it.
Below is AlfonZo Rachel (Macho Sauce), who has become an Internet celebrity for a bunch of entertaining YouTube clips he has produced over the past few months. Click here for his MySpace page. Click here for his YouTube Channel. Click here for his web site. He spoke off-the-cuff and got some good laughs from the crowd.

The size of the crowd? Since I didn't have a way to see the whole crowd I can't estimate. One of the speakers said "ten thousand to fifteen thousand" but that wasn't official.
UPDATE: More Sacramento photos here.
UPDATE #2: The Highway patrol says the crowd peaked at "a little more than 5,000," according to this Bee account.
UPDATE #3: Gray Family Films put together a nice documentary of the Tea Party here.
UPDATE #2: The Highway patrol says the crowd peaked at "a little more than 5,000," according to this Bee account.
UPDATE #3: Gray Family Films put together a nice documentary of the Tea Party here.
Hope all the right-wingers haven't commented because they all went to their teabagging party. It's their party, and they can cry if they want to. But no one is listening.
5:08 poster soon will be crying:
"Who's sorry now".
WE are listening; and we understand what 0 wants.
"The only problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money." M Thatcher
The corrupt media spent more airtime and print on Obama's dog than the tea parties. Obama didn't seem aware there were protests today. His staff didn’t think it was important to discuss such things with the Great Pretender. I guess taxpayers can be assured the media thinks our concerns are less important than a dog.
One important thing to note, the crowds chanted, “Throw the bums out”, and that meant the big spenders, with no regard to party.
2010 - Throw the Bums Out!
But no one is listening.
Maybe not in your bubble, but there are millions watching it live in multiple cities right now.
Glad to hear the right-wingers are actually DOING something other than typing on blogs! Way to go! Notice how real life is so much more invigorating than blogging. Get up and shout ... stamp your feet and raise your hands ... It's your day.
But, folks, tomorrow will be like yesterday!
No wonder the Lame Stream Media is doomed. Fifty Puny penis protesters get attention, but thousands of tax protester do not?
What Tea Party? The Washington Post would rather promote a little penis protest than a big tax protest.
April 15, 2009,
Circumcision protestors at the forefront of foreskin protest.
Apparently size doesn’t matter after all. While ignoring the thousands participating in mass tax protests across the nation, the Washington Post found space to report on “about 50 people” marching in front of the White House for Genital Integrity Awareness Week.
You read that right. Evidently some people weren’t sure they had genitals. Or whether their genitals had integrity. Or something.
For the lamestream media, especially the WaPo and NY Times, this is what passes for “all the news that’s fit to print” these days. Puny penis puns.
Re: "But, folks, tomorrow will be like yesterday!"
I don't think so. Another newspaper will bite the dust, another gang of corrupt journalists will be out of a place to ply their dishonest trade. This venue for Democrats will never come back, and beating dishonesty one paper at a time may take awhile, but it will happen. The media’s arrogance started the ball rolling, and the ball is rolling down hill at breakneck speed. Your days are numbered, and the last laugh will be on you.
Wow, TV's Cliff!
The Democrats have tried to turn the tea parties into a political protest, because it is embarrassing to them. The in-the-tank media would do, or write anything to prop up their selected president. The one thing newspapers may not have counted on is losing their reputation, and their jobs. A good many citizen comments today were about the corrupt media not being truthful. The loss of integrity is their own doing. I for one trust nothing they write, in fact, I usually believe just the opposite.
It's more like Tea Baggers!
please do not tell me people actually believe that the reason papers are dying is because they have liberal writers or a liberal government....papers were dying well before Obama was in the office.
I am hoping its just a comment to get the far left all riled up because if you really believe that then our country is in far worse shape than i could have imagined.
I am not sure what folks are talking about here, i saw plenty of news about the tea parties and cant recall anyting about the presidents dog today. maybe there was some but i didnt see it on the news.
was there the coverage that fox news had? No but enough.. i would say there were around 6-8 hundred people who showed up downtown where i lived. I was prety impressed but while at work and at the bank nobody was talking about it. It was supposed to be a anti tax rally and was really anti democrat rally with hate pointed toward OBAMA.
you cant fool people for long. I actually looked at my paycheck stub and i am paying less taxes than month ago.
As to all the spending that is supposed to make my great great great gandchilderen homeless... well a couple of things,the first big stimulas package was made by BUSH and was needed. Also OBAMA still has not gotten to all the cuts he will be making in the federal govenment that will reduce the national debt. only so much a person can do the first 3 months in office. Didnt bush take a vacation to his ranch his first 3 months? i could be wrong... i try to forget those years.
I think the Tea party was a success for those folks involved however for the rest of us eh i hope it doesnt become nasty where people get hurt. The the republican party will be at risk of disapearing.
I am republican but smart enough to know that the current party is tanking and hurting this country not helping it. i have to support OBAMA because i love this country and want to see it on top again in the world,leading by example.
I am republican but smart enough to know that the current party is tanking and hurting this country not helping it.
You're a really horrible liar. But! That is what shot your credibility in the first place and you folks still don't know it yet.
AHHH! I can't believe I missed Zo!
Your hero is Cliff Claven?
I am an Independent. I attended the Tea Party in Sacramento Wednesday. My guess is about 8,000 to 10,000 people attended. Many were young (in their twenties). Many were elderly (in the 60-70's). May were small business owners trying to survive in the poor economy (without laying employees off). They were ALL good people and they will make a difference Nov 2, 2010. The main stream press can hide all they want, but Nov 2, 2010 IS CHANGE YOU CAN COUNT ON.
I had a great time at the event, as I do with all political events.
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