Somebody needs to tell Rex Babin, cartoonist for the "Truth to Power" people at McClatchy, that Bush and Cheney aren't in power anymore.
Babin spent 8 years skewering the previous administration, but hasn't gotten around to publishing anything remotely negative about the current power structure in DC: Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.
And when Babin isn't slamming the previous administration, he focuses his meager talent on other weighty issues, like mocking Carrie Prejean. (Link to other not-funny Babin cartoons here.)
Hat tip: John in Carolina.
First! GOD bless OBAMA!
I hope he gets the opportunity soon...in person.
***Babin spent 8 years skewering the previous administration, but hasn't gotten around to publishing anything remotely negative about the current power structure in DC: Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.
And when Babin isn't slamming the previous administration, he focuses his meager talent on other weighty issues, like mocking Carrie Prejean.***
Uh ... doesn't a cartoonist have the right to express his views, just as (for example) Rush Limbaugh does? Has Limbaugh ever said anything positive about the current administration, or any Democrat or moderate Republican, for that matter?
"Uh ... doesn't a cartoonist have the right to express his views, just as (for example) Rush Limbaugh does?"
Silly question. Of course.
Did someone suggest that a cartoonist doesn't have the right to express his views?
You're entitled to your opinion ... I'm entitled to know you're wrong.
Was it plagerized like do-do Dowd?
Was it plagerized like do-do Dowd?
Silly person, liberals can't plagiarize. When plugged into the hive all thought is shared, so unattributed duplication is inevitable.
Nothing to see here....move along.
Whatever happened to the importance of a free press or speaking truth to power? Of course there is nothing wrong with speaking your opinion. The problem is that most of the press is an intellectual monoculture that only has one opinion.
Come on, MW, I expect better criticism from you.
Cheney is making remarks that are pertinent to current politics (Rush Limbaugh is more of a leader of the GOP than Colin Powell, etc) so of course he's fair game for satire. It doesn't matter that he's no longer in power.
And frankly, if he's that impressed by someone like Limbaugh, thank God he's not in power...
It is a weak effort, but 11:18 is right, Cheney is very much in the news right now, and placing himself there. After 8 years of not saying much, he and his daughter are hitting the press circuit big time.
I wonder if Rex reads your blog. Pelosi is targeted today, although in the usual simple-minded Babin fashion. I wonder how long it will take before this site takes notice? Holding my breath ...
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