Today is the annual Kids Day edition. The Bee prints a special edition that sells for $1.00 and the proceeds go to kids programs at the Salvation Army, including tutoring programs, computer labs for homework, lunch programs for children who are "off-track" from school, and year-round day camps.
Employees sell papers on the street. In past years, Modesto Bee employees have volunteered many hours selling these editions on the street corners and asking businesses to buy blocks of papers that would go to schools and other organizations.
It's an excellent cause and I hope it raises a lot of money. But with a skeleton staff now, it will interesting to see how it goes this year.
A former Bee employee tells me he hasn't seen much publicity for this years event -- just a Kid's Day poster hanging in a corner window of the Bee building.
If you have more info, post it in comments.
When I worked at the Bee in the late 1990's we had a blast doing 'Kids Day' It really is for a good cause and our department, along with all the others seemed to really enjoy getting out and hawking papers for the kids. Ken
Isn't it weird for the Bee to have a 'Kids Day' when they run editorials wanting them to be aborted?
Its weird that people bring kids into this world when the president just sends them off to their deaths before there 00 drop.
11:45...that is not true, they do not 'run editorials wanting them to be aborted'. There is a big difference between pro-choice and someone 'wanting' them to be aborted. My wife and I both wanted kids but are both pro-choice. That is a hot-button term. Call it as it is Anti-choice. Most of us that are pro-choice have kids, that does not make us pro-abortion. Wake up. Be honest in this argument. Pro-choice does not mean you favor abortion over anything.
"My wife and I both wanted kids but are both pro-choice."
That still makes you a breeder.
11:58..LOL. That's funny, I've been called many things, but I like this one. You must be ecstatic that your mom was one too. KC
What i wish, since we have to live with the law of pro-choice, that the government would tell the truth on what abortion really is.. that being murder of a child. once life is created its on its way to becomming a grown adult unless mother nature calls or a person intervens and ends the childs life.
there are different stages of human growth, but all stages are human and for a doctor to say, its ok becuase at this stage of growth the baby is not human, is wrong.
I wonder how many less abortions there would be if the doctor sits with the mother and tells them the truth, if the schools would tell them the truth, that abortion is the act of killing your unborn baby and as such the aborted baby needs to have a funeral like everybody else who dies.
I did Kids Day for the Sac Bee for many years. We were "asked" to "volunteer" every year. Not only did we have to do our thankless 12-14 hour a day jobs but had to also hawk papers on street corners. If you did not meet a certain quota you would "contribute" money from your own wallet. As usual, Management did little and would take the credit while those of us who would bust our asses would get little or no recognition.
At least it was for the kids....Interestingly those who donated the most where the working poor. The rich looked at us like we had swine flu.
Kids Day has always been a waste of staff time. Far more money always was spent on employee salaries and newsprint than was ever raised for the charity.
11:12 ... Please. You're a nonmanager who was working 12 to 14 hours a day? Sounds like you have a foggy memory. And, if you, as you described, were working a "thankless job", don't blame the company. Blame yourself for being in that position. If you're job is thankless, and you apparently don't like the company, then quit, find a job you like and quit whining.
The problem with the term "choice" is that it ascribes the choice to the wrong person.
Either you support abortion, or you oppose abortion, but you have no right to choose to take anyone else's life. In your case 11:56, you support abortion and are therefore pro-abortion.
It would be a choice if the child decided to commit suicide. It is murder if someone else decides for the child.
John, your statement "you support abortion and are therefore pro-abortion." is flawed. That is similar to Mr. Bush, who I voted for, when he said "Either you are with us or you are against us." That leaves little middle ground for any dissension. I support the choice for homosexuals yet I am not pro-homosexual. Yours is a red-herring argument. I said that my wife and I have never desired or had an abortion but I do not take that choice away from others. If my 17 year old daughter made the wrong choice and became pregnant right now before college, she would have multiple options. One could be to have the baby, adopt the baby or terminate it without prejudice; I am neither for abortion or against it. Like gays, it doesn't affect me what they do at home, like this won't affect you in the same way.
There is much passion on this and I can neither accomplish nor attempt to sway somebody else opinion, we just disagree and I do appreciate your ideas. I have swayed back and forth over time and may do so again.
I appreciate your response. No, I'm no trying to say the you're either for, or against us, and I understand there are many positions along the continuum. What I am saying is that the choice for the woman was whether or not to have unprotected sex. Once that choice was exercised (removing for the moment the obvious caveats for rape, incest, etc.) and a new life is created, the decision is either to terminate that life, or allow it to live and that is no longer a choice that only involves the woman. Hence, it goes beyond the concept of choice. I cannot simply decide that some of the trolls on here are annoying and choose to terminate them once I make the choice to participate here because other lives are involved in that decision. Thanks again for your intelligent and well thought out response.
Man that was a horrible paragraph. I need a copy editor.
Well said and understood.
Wow. Regardless of what you think about McClatchy or, in this case, The Modesto Bee ... what in the world does abortion have to do with raising money for at-risk children who use a community center in one of the city's worst neighborhoods? Volunteer or not; it's your choice. I have, proudly, for 13 years. I'm also proud my company supports causes like this one. If you don't like it, don't participate. Simple as that. But don't project your negative feelings about McT on an event like this.
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