Horry County police initiated an investigation after an armed robbery occurred last Wednesday at Martin’s Place on Joyner Swamp Road in Aynor, said Sgt. Robert Kegler with the Horry County Police Department.
A store worker was bound with a nylon cord and then stabbed multiple times, including in the left eye, Kegler said.
Police said O'Neill told the other suspects the opening procedures of the store, which she learned while delivering newspapers there on a daily basis. O'Neill was an independent contractor who delivered The Sun News.
When the robbery occurred police said she dropped off Gilbert and the 14-year-old at the store while she made her deliveries, then picked them up shortly after the incident, police said. O'Neill and the 14-year-old were arrested late Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.
As a result of an investigation, three people were identified in connection with the incident.
The victim was transported to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston in an attempt to save his eye, Kegler said.
This kind of thing won't happen once the news is all digital. (Photo credit: The Sun News)
Hat tip: Fitz and Jen
"This kind of thing won't happen once the news is all digital."
Uh, right, it won't. And there wouldn't be any car accidents if there were no cars. And there wouldn't be any bank robberies if there were no banks.
In other words: What an inane comment. The San Diego sun must have sizzled your brain.
Oy! man to log in the picture of that beauty. What a stunner. How about putting that PBS photo of Rhonda next to this sweetie? You know, the one that makes her look toothless.
Anon 9:23: Don't you realize this is all Gary Pruitt's fault? He told that woman to do that! Come on, you're missing the big picture!
Still better looking than Michelle Obama.
"Truth to Power" We only hire the best. I wonder who she voted for, before or after reading McClatchy propoganda?
I concur, this convict is still better looking than Michelle Obama and Linda Williams combined.
What a bunch of children you are, especially the owner of this blog. To imply that McClatchy is responsible for every action of every employee is ridiculous.
As a follow up to the 10:47 comment, I find it so typical of the "trolls" on here who will devote time to bashing this woman, who may I add is a S.C. resident, yet none of you will make such comments about the much bigger scumbag that is the governor of the state.
The hypocracy that so many of you show is so evident it's downright sad.
Why stop with the scumbag governor of the state? What about the Islamist scumbag Not-My-President Obamababoon?
Typical response about our current president. Very typical of you right wing zealots. This is why you lost the election and will lose more elections. No substance, just insults.
Not-My-President Obamababoon fiddles while the Obama Depression deepens, North Korea and Iran get nukes, Swine Flu spreads, Bin Laden still free, but he likes to get the ice cream.
I concur, this convict is still better looking than Michelle Obama and Linda Williams combined.
LOL. Add Rhonda Lokeman and this pig is still better looking than those witches.
"No substance, just insults". I'm sorry, but that has been the battle cry of every leftist troll who's come on here. how many times have I invited critique of what I've written about The Star? I'd love to see a substantive argument to give their side of the story and all we get are the usual idiotic insults and cliches. Talk about hypocrisy.
To imply that McClatchy is responsible for every action of every employee is ridiculous.
Yes, it is.
And a carrier is not even an employee - it's an independent contractor.
Hey John, isn't that your wife?
Thank you 3:01 for reinforcing what I just said about the libs on here. As for whether or not that looks like my spouse, I've got news for you. Just as I'm far better educated than you are and much smarter than you are, I also am blessed with a very attractive wife. I guarantee you that she is far more attractive than any of the whores that would get within a football field of you, and that includes the women (such as they must be) in your family.
Kevin, feel free to delete this if you wish.
John Altevogt said...
"No substance, just insults". I'm sorry, but that has been the battle cry of every leftist troll who's come on here. how many times have I invited critique of what I've written about The Star? I'd love to see a substantive argument to give their side of the story and all we get are the usual idiotic insults and cliches. Talk about hypocrisy.
The original post is that people will go on and on about this carrier but you people will not say a think about the scumbag governor of South Carolina. If it was a democrat though.....
To imply that McClatchy is responsible for every action of every employee is ridiculous.
Not to recognize that a pattern of hiring criminal types means that they are indeed responsible. There are massive numbers of McClatchy hires that are criminals, including pedophiles, rapists, murderers, illegal aliens etc.
The KC Star alone carried the distinction of being the second largest employer of convicts in the entire state, behind only the king of waste disposal, Deffenbaugh.
When they stole the routes from the carriers that had owned them for generations, their first move was to turn them over to criminal types and unleash them on their customers.
Just one of any number of reasons to applaud the death of McClatchy. May it be slow and painful as painful can be.
Is Elliot Sptizer a bigger or smaller scumbag than the SC governor?
The republicans will move away from the SC governor. The dems promote their sexual problems like Barney Frank.
The dems promote their sexual problems like Barney Frank.
That isn't fair we have no choice. Look at who our constituents are.
"yet none of you will make such comments about the much bigger scumbag that is the governor of the state."
What exactly is it you're looking for?? Has anyone here defended Sanford??
As a Republican, his political career is over. As far as I know, he hasn't broken any laws. Calling him a scumbag is like calling Bin Laden a terrorist, it's a statement of the obvious.
Adult carriers have taken crap from just about everyone since they started delivering to the snobs. While getting no benefits and working 356 days a year while you all enjoy holidays and vacations with the family. Even so 'MOST' do what they can to please your stupid demands. It is just like you ignorant types to make it sound like ALL carriers are criminal, armed robbers, etc.
When I as a District Manager at the Sac Bee I can say that we hired anybody that was breathing and that came in through the door. Dr's or criminals we did not care. It is not like we had people lining out the door to work at 2AM, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for pennies.
As long as they had a DL, car insurance and SS # they could get a route. What they did out there as long as it did not interfere with the delivery of the paper we did not care. We did hire mental cases and criminals but again as long as the papers where delivered we did not care.
That said the vast majority of cariers are goog hard working folks trying to make some extra money.
Yet another argument for registration so we can hold this trash accountable for their comments.
Adult carriers have taken crap from just about everyone since they started delivering to the snobs.
No, before the routes were stolen and passed out to criminals, they were owned by middle class families who were very well respected members of the community. It was customary to leave a tip at Christmas time and retail outlets often invited them in for coffee and breakfast.
Of course that all ended when they started passing them out to criminals who'd instead of fill the racks, rob you at gun point or steal you blind before you even opened for the day.
Yet another argument for registration so we can hold this trash accountable for their comments.
We need this IP displayed prominently every time he posts. By all rights this should be a permanent ban, or a 2x4 upside his head.
Yeah but when you morons post crap we're supposed to stick our arses in the air
and let you have willy nilly? you guys are sad and pathetic. You can dish it out but can't take the same insults back. CRY LITTLE BABIES CRY!!!
8:55 You're right, I believe this coward is our stalker who hides behind anonymity and makes threats to Kevin. Let's post his IP and find out who he is and then see how brave he is.
Yeah but
Yeah but, nothing. That crap is beyond the pale and deserves nothing less than a dirt nap. Punk piece of crap.
When I as a District Manager at the Sac Bee I can say that we hired anybody that was breathing and that came in through the door. Dr's or criminals we did not care. It is not like we had people lining out the door to work at 2AM, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for pennies.
As long as they had a DL, car insurance and SS # they could get a route. What they did out there as long as it did not interfere with the delivery of the paper we did not care. We did hire mental cases and criminals but again as long as the papers where delivered we did not care.
I can not believe that was your policy. First, just a few years ago Youth carriers were hired, were they the criminals you spoke of or just mental cases? That ended when they became the victum to robbery themselves. Over 10 years ago I had to have a DMV printout that was clean, I went through an interview that lasted over an hour and in addition had a background check. All before I was considered for a route, then proof of insurance, CDL, and yes a SS#.
It is always quick to point out that one who was involved in a crime but how many times do we hear about the carrier that was victum of a crime? One is newsworthy and the other not?
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