Friday, July 17, 2009

News & Observer blog struggling since the departure of Ryan Teague Beckwith

The News & Observer misses prolific blogger Ryan Teague Beckwith, who maintained the N&O's "Under The Dome" blog.

When Pat Stith left the N&O, John Drescher promised that the paper’s investigative role would not lesson. He kept that promise.

Now, with Ryan Teague Beckwith gone, can the N&O maintain the momentum he gave Under the Dome?

So far, the answer is no. Dome lacks the speed and bite Beckwith had.

Here’s the acid test: I no longer feel the need to check Dome on-line every couple of hours. It’s usually the same old stuff.



Anonymous said...

Another layer of talent gone, so then what's left of value for the consumer to purchase?

Sorry wrong vernacular. Let me stick to the DNC talking points, "We are positioning McClatchy for a long and prosperous future."

Anonymous said...

McClatchy will spin his loss the same way as in when they shrink the size of their paper once a month.

We now offer you less so you can save time reading on your way to work.

Oh, you have no job? Well, we proudly helped you out there too by steering you towards socialism!

But fork over the $1.00 cover price for our postage stamp size paper.

You see, in our minds were just like the WSJ in content, and journalistic integrity!

Anonymous said...

Would not lesson? Someone needs a spelling lesson.

Anonymous said...

Can't spell. Diction is poor. Probably a reporter.