Friday, September 11, 2009

Hey Modesto -- how's your newspaper?

A reader emailed me with a reminder that it has been almost a year since the Modesto Bee pink-slipped their production-side employees and transferred printing 80 miles north to Sacramento.

From time to time I hear about late deliveries to Mod Bee subscribers. And with the transfer Modesto isn't able to include late sports scores from the night before.

So, how do you like your Mod Bee today?

Leave feedback in comments.


Anonymous said...

The paper looks lousy and they still charge for it.

Anonymous said...

Hang on a sec an I will ask my new puppy.

Anonymous said...

Color is bad - they can't even get the black right, go figure. Some days its so dark we can't even see photos. My paper has been coming on time since they went to the new distribution center in June or July, no problems there.

Anonymous said...

Modesto no longer has a cleaning crew, they are depending on employees to clean, well its not working advertising has not had a garbage pick up for 2 weeks. People are putting their trash cans in the hallway, because of the smells. Now our hallway stinks to the point no one can use that hallway. Imagine your neighbor having a banana and yogurt 2 week ago. We have fruit flys flying around the rooms. Its terrible. All to save a buck!!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that these classically trained professional journalists that all know what is the best for the rest of us, can't clean up after themselves.

Instead of firing the cleaning staff and expecting the prima donnas to figure out how to empty a trash can, they should have kept the janitorial staff and had them write editorials in addition to cleaning.

ex-worker Bee said...

Almost a year later and still no job. Hey, maybe the Modesto Bee can do a one year later story and print it on page D-6 so no one will read it. Just glad I'm outta there!

Anonymous said...

Everybody I know learned to write in the 3rd grade. Most of them went on to something else.

Anonymous said...

Actually ... Considering how many people have left the Bee, the paper still manages to cover the city pretty well. The local sports news is particularly good.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:58. Stealing quotes (like the one from Bobby Knight you pilfered) must make you feel like a real journalist. Congrats.