Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary wins New Hampshire

AP has called the New Hampshire primary for Hillary. If the results hold, the pundits and pollsters were proven completely and utterly wrong.

I've been listening to the Hugh Hewitt radio show tonite. Mary Katherine Ham came on as a guest. She says a Hillary win is great news for the GOP. A rejuvenated Democratic Party led by the charismatic Barak Obama would be a nightmare for the GOP in the presidential election. However, if Hillary goes on to win the Dem nomination, the Dems will be led by a leader from the old guard with a ton of baggage. A sizable chunk of the Democrats will be dispirited, knowing Obama is the better candidate. (And aren't people tired of the country being led by a Bush or a Clintonf for the past 20-or-whatever years?) Just in the past few days we were jarred with a reminder of what kind of people the Clintons are. Previous posts on the Clintons here and here and here and here.