Tuesday, January 8, 2008

F-16 fighter jets drop 500-pound bombs on Al Qaeda safe house, uncover another weapons cache

BAGHDAD – U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter jets dropped two 500-pound bombs, destroying an al-Qaeda in Iraq safe house used to make and store improvised explosive devices near Busayefi Jan. 6.

After the structure was destroyed, a site survey was conducted by Multi-National Division – Center Soldiers and IED-making materials were found.

The remnants of the IED-making materials found in the rubble included one 122 mm projectile, one 120 mm mortar round, three 57 mm projectile rounds primed with detonation cord, 50 DSHKA large-caliber machine gun rounds, three spools of copper wire, two crush wire strips, 30 meters of command wire, three bundles of detonation cord and a video camera.

Previous weapons cache posts here and here and here. The above photo shows an F-16 fighter jet from the Ohio Air National Guard.