BAGHDAD – A cache of 1,369 unexploded ordnance was turned over to Coalition Forces based at Forward Operating Base Delta Jan. 3. Iraqi Civil Defense Corps personnel, an arm of the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior which handles explosives, delivered the unexploded ordnance and small arms cartridges to the Kazakhstani Soldiers, according to 1st Lt. Almaz Mukashev, the Kazakhstani liaison officer. Additionally, some of the ordnance were remnants of the Iran-Iraq War.
The cache contained 1,255 57 mm mortars, 51 120 mm mortar mines, 14 152 mm artillery rounds, 33 60 mm artillery rounds, 15 155 mm artillery rounds, one 82 mm mortar and 1,071 20 mm small arms cartridges.
This adds to the growing total of weapons caches located over the past weeks. I posted on this development here. The above photo shows a weapons cache turned over to Coalition forces last month.