Look at the account of Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi, a former Gitmo detainee who blew himself up in a 2008 terror attack. According to CNN, Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi was detained in Guantanamo after being captured with other terror suspects in Afghanistan in 2001. He claimed to have fought for the Taliban, and said he fought in a number of battles against the Northern Alliance. He was released from Guantanamo in 2005. He committed a suicide bomb attack in Iraq in April 2008.
Does any reasonable person think this guy was a peace-loving Muslim until Bush drove him to become a suicide bomber? I don't. But Lasseter says Bush "produced" terrorists at Guantanamo. Here is what Lasseter said about Gitmo detainees becoming radicalized:
A McClatchy investigation found that instead of confining terrorists, Guantanamo often produced more of them by rounding up common criminals, conscripts, low-level foot soldiers and men with no allegiance to radical Islam - thus inspiring a deep hatred of the United States in them - and then housing them in cells next to radical Islamists.
That's flimsy evidence. The reality is, the guy was captured in Afghanistan because he was consorting with terrorists. His 2008 suicide bomb attack is confirmation of his character. The world would be better off if he had never been released.
Just today we have word that a now-released radical Muslim who was detained in England has written a book calling for Muslims to commit terror attacks on the West.
Does Lasseter want us to believe Tony Blair produced this Jihadist, too?
Hat tip: Gateway Pundit. Photo via CNN
Shocker!... McClatchy locates former prisoners who claim they were abused