E&P Editor Greg Mitchell appears with McClatchy's Washington editor John Walcott and its investigative reporter Jonathan Landay on "Bill Moyers Journal" on PBS stations this Friday night.
The lengthy segment probes the press reaction to Scott McClellan's new book "What Happened," the new Senate report on cooked intelligence in the runup to the attack on Iraq in 2003, and the possible threat of a U.S. move on Iran.
Walcott and Landay have been hailed by E&P, and others, many times for being among the most persistent, and accurate, in questioning the administration's evidence in the runup to the war. Mitchell's new book covers five years of war coverage, and is titled So Wrong for So Long: How the Press, the Pundits -- and the President -- Failed on Iraq.
All of these people carry too much baggage to be interesting. Moyers is a left-wing has-been; Greg Mitchell is an anti-Bush writer for the Huffington Post and Editor & Publisher; and Landay and Wolcott are still complaining that they never got the recognition they deserved for their 2002 and 2003 coverage. Walcott is the McClatchy know-it-all who predicted the US would not win in Iraq.
As for Moyers, his show is nothing but a forum to advance left-wing causes. Below is a photo taken from Moyer's interview with racist hate-preacher Jeremiah Wright. This interview was done before Wright's appearance at the Press Club. At the time, the mainstream media was trying to rehabilitate Wright so that he would be more acceptable to American voters. The posture of the two men - and Moyer's gaze into Wright's eyes - tells you that Moyers took a very friendly approach.

Jeremiah Wright appeared at the Press Club days later and imploded as his real character was revealed in front of the cameras as reporters questioned him.
How could Moyers have gotten Wright so wrong? Easy - Moyers saw his mission as rehabilitating and explaining Wright so he wouldn't be a distraction for the Great Obama.
John Walcott predicted the US would lose in Iraq
McClatchy reporters accused of distortion
Left-wing blog Huffington Post honors McClatchy reporters
McClatchy's Warren Strobel misleads readers
Strobel and Landay still whining that nobody acknowledges their greatness
Strobel and Landay deconstructed
McClatchy reporters accused of distorting quotes and publishing unattributed gossip
Greg Mitchell indignant that NYT article disputes McClatchy