Tuesday, June 3, 2008

McClatchy's Jeremiah Wright: McClatchy correspondent in Baghdad unloads on the US - again

McClatchy's Baghdad bureau has some Iraqi reporters/assistants who blog on McClatchy's site occasion. One of them is Sahar Issa. I have noted her anti-US views several times on this blog.
On Monday Sahar Issa posted on the McClatchy site her opinions regarding the security agreement being negotiated by the US and Iraqi governments. She entered paranoid territory usually reserved for nutcases like Jeremiah Wright and the worst offenders at Daily Kos.
Here is her reaction to the Iraqi government's request that the US to continue helping security in Iraq. Read this and ask yourself: is this something a sane person would write?
I can see why the US supported Iraqi government would jump at the chance to be baby sat in this way – but the American government?? Why does the US administration need to find a way to stay here? What does it stand to gain, going all out like this?? Hasn't it done enough harm? The mandate under which it is operating in Iraq will terminate at the end of 2008. Why don't they just pick up and go, and leave us to lick our wounds? From the 1990s, first they levy sanctions against the Iraqi people, starve them of food, medicine and medical supplies, spare parts to repair and maintain electricity plants that they destroyed in the first place, items necessary for schools, agriculture and the humble industries that we had. Did they really believe that it was Saddam who would starve?? Then they occupy the country, disband every security agency we had and wonder why there is no security, what with hundreds of thousands of trained killers on the streets with fire in their hearts for being first required to be called "Bathist" by a madman who would not employ them otherwise – and then kicked out by foreigners mercilessly because they did!
Five years of death, destruction and misery, and a rent in our social fabric that will never really heal.
This stuff is so hate-filled and irrational, it could have been taken from a Jeremiah Wright sermon. Or from al-Sadr talking points. From an Al Jazeera account, Sahar Issa's complaints sound oddly similar to protest signs made over the weekend by followers of al-Sadr:
Protesters carried placards slamming "the disastrous agreement that tears Iraq apart and gives in to the occupying power".
(I wonder where Sahar Issa gets her talking points.)
Sahar Issa has previously made the seemingly paranoid claim that she had been "branded a terrorist." That is a pretty serious charge, but I can't find where she has ever explained who it was that said she is a terrorist. Hmm.

On another occasion, she posted an angry rant about how Americans are ignorant and don't care about the Iraqi people.

Of course, she fits right in with the gaggle of activists and anti-Bush reporters at McClatchy.

McClatchy reporter mocks USA for "not being able to control a small city like Baghdad"
McClatchy's Sahar Issa: "Americans are ignorant about how the war has damaged Iraq's education system and healthcare system"
McClatchy reporter says Iraq was better off under Saddam
McClatchy's Sahar Issa claims she has been "branded a terrorist"