Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stanley Kurtz: AP and New York Times investigating Annenberg Challenge documents... where is McClatchy?

I heard Stanley Kurtz being interviewed on Hugh Hewitt's radio show. Kurtz is investigating the documents just released by the library housing the documents. Kurtz said when he was able to access the documents this week he saw reporters from the Associated Press and New York Times reviewing documents.

Nobody from McClatchy?

Obama's involvement with the Annenberg Challenge has the potential to become the biggest issue in the 2008 presidential election. The Annenberg issue links Obama with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, plus radical left-wing ideas. And Annenberg may be the only time Obama has exercised executive management. How did he do as a manager? And really shocking, the Obama campaign has been bullying anybody that attempts to investigate.

Instapundit has an excellent roundup here.

Will McClatchy cover the Annenberg coverup?
A coverup in Chicago?

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