Friday, September 19, 2008

"Email prank" -- Sacramento Bee scoffs at hacking of Sarah Palin's email account and posting of private photos and family info on the internet

If GOP thugs hacked into Obama's private email accounts and posted private family pictures and personal information on the internet, I don't think the Sacramento Bee would treat the issue like this:
This tiny article was the only coverage in Friday's Sacramento Bee of the hacking of Sarah Palin's email account. Only Bee readers who follow alternative news sources will have information on what is going on.

Here is an overview:

Earlier this week, someone hacked into Sarah Palin's private email account. Private photos of the Palin children were posted on the internet and private e-mail addresses of her children were published. The perps also published screen shots of some of Palin's emails. Investigation seems to be focused on a 20 year old student in Tennessee, whose father is an elected Democrat. The FBI has launched an investigation.
I think what happened is outrageous. But to the Sacramento Bee, it's just another harmless prank that barely merits attention.


Anonymous said...

4chan aren't "gop thugs"

Anonymous said...

rather i meant "democrat thugs" therefore your comparison of if "gop thugs" did this to obama that they'd be up in arms. it was 4chan, not a political operation