Monday, November 10, 2008

Subscriber complaints in Olympia

Judging by comments at The Olympian web site, subscribers aren't exactly happy with printing being transferred to Tacoma:
Here we go... This fabulous change to move the production to Tacoma is really working out already! I didn't get my home paper this morning, and when I called, I got a recording that they're not able to deliver it today. I don't want to read it on-line, and I don't want to read it tomorrow. If this continues, I'll cancel my subscription.
...and this:
As soon as it became a McClatchy newspaper, I knew it was doomed. Knight Ridder kicked ***. McClatchy gets most of its stuff from AP (which is also going downhill fast) and now this paper is printed in the smog-town north of us.
... and this:
They should have looked up their old journalism notes and read the part that says "Just the facts - let the readers draw their own conclusions".This paper is an editorial. They just can't help throwing in their 2 cents worth of opinion/slant everywhere possible.
...and from my blog, this:
Production delays caused Sunday's paper to be delayed 4 hours.
The Olympian newspaper now being printed at News Tribune facility

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