Tuesday, January 8, 2008

MNF-Iraq: another weapons cache located

Multi National Force - Iraq:

KIRKUK, Iraq – The 1-10th Mountain Division's 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, along with the Iraqi Army searched Iraqi farmlands for caches and other evidence of terrorist activity as part of Operation Courage Harvest Jan. 2 through 5.

The 2-22 Inf.’s mission was a smaller part of a brigade-level operation the 1-10th Mtn. Div. is conducting called Warrior Harvest. The intent is to disrupt terrorist activity in the Kirkuk area of northern Iraq where the brigade is deployed so citizens feel safer and emboldened to rise upagainst terrorists living among them.

During the course of 2-22 Inf.'s three day operation two caches were discovered. They consisted of explosives, weapons and other materials used to target Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces.

I have been noting that coalition forces have been locating a huge number of weapons caches over the past weeks. Previous posts on this development here and here.