Thinking this was a strange partisan comment on a non-partisan post on the economy, Doug did some checking. A little research showed the comment was left by somebody using a computer at McClatchy's Kansas City Star newspaper. (See below.)

This blog is mainly about the spectacular train wreck at The Sacramento Bee and its parent company, the McClatchy Company. But I also post about current events, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, politics, anything else that grabs my attention. Take a look around this blog, hope you enjoy it.
Vintage KC Star. Today they introduce a minor change in their layout (calling it a re-design) and low & behold, the only story link that is not working is the story about Obama refusing to provide proof he is a citizen.
Should be an interesting day at RATS.
They just keep giving don't they?
No doubt a better journalist lost their job while this snarky squawker remained. What to do on a sinking ship? The KC Scar finally has a SOS plan. The Rats take all the lifeboats.
...McClatchy Journalists : Insignificant wretches who have taken the noble profession of journalism and reduced it to the baseness of a guileful, snotty heckler. Who dare....DARE pretend to own the truth as if it were their sole possession.
We hear the gnashing of teeth from journalists about "how we just CAN'T provide stories with staff cuts and impossible deadlines"
If reporters have time on their hands to troll blogs, perhaps more dead wood needs to be tossed.
You seem to be so interested in finding out who everyone is, who the heck are you?
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