Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I have blogging about the jump in the number of weapons caches located in Iraq over recent weeks. Today, the Multi National Force - Iraq reports more discoveries.

On January 5, Coalition forces in the Diyala region located a cache consisting of a five-gallon container filled with homemade explosives, a water bottle with wire and 20 shotgun shells attached and an improvised explosive device taped to a fuel can. An hour later, troops in the Doura neighborhood found two pressure plates, five blasting caps and 15 feet of detonation cord. During a joint patrol in Saydiyah the same day, other troops found three rocket-propelled grenades and a five-gallon drum of HME in an abandoned home. (More info here.)

On January 7, Iraqi army troops located a cache consisting of more than 5,000 rounds of machine gun ammunition, a sniper rifle, rocket propelled grenade launchers, mortar rounds, rockets, rocket tubes, tank rounds, artillery rounds, an artillery round filled with home made explosives, various components for improvised explosive devices, bomb making materials, grenades, more than 50 galloons of liquid home made explosives, and, and 120 pound of solid home made explosives. (More info here.)

On January 9, concerned citizens pointed troops to a cache containing copper plating, two explosively formed projectiles, two rocket-propelled grenades, one AK-47 assault rifle, five 105 mm mortar rounds, eight anti-personnel mines, wire and three artillery rounds of undetermined size. (More info here.)

Previous posts on the jump in the number of weapons caches over recent weeks here and here and here and here.

UPDATE 10:05 PM: Another weapons cache was located January 9 in the Nissan district of Baghdad. The cache contained copper plating, two explosively formed projectiles, two rocket-propelled grenades, one AK-47 assault rifle, five 105 mm mortar rounds, eight anti-personnel mines, wire and three artillery rounds of undetermined size. (More info here.)